Peptide Therapy
What are peptides?
Peptides are short strings of amino acids, typically comprising 2–50 amino acids. Amino acids are also the building blocks of proteins, but proteins contain more.
Peptides can be easier for the body to absorb than proteins because they are smaller and more broken down than proteins. So you can think of smaller protein molecules. In our body, our cells communicate via the release of these peptides outside the cell.
Why use peptides?
Peptides have been produced in laboratories for decades now. In addition, recently, the standards of production of American companies have caused a movement by progressive alternative providers who are seeking to treat their patients without the use of harmful drugs. Peptides are considered to be very safe and a key in regulating bodily systems.
If you are struggling with conditions related to: aging, like low muscle mass, decreased libido, increased weight, aging skin issues, slower wound healing, and muscle recovery, then peptide therapy may help you.
How do I know if I'm a good candidate?
Schedule an appointment at Physical Dimensions today to discuss if Peptide Therapy is right for you

Speed up the healing process and repair your body, naturally.
Our Peptides

Regulates depression, helps with neurodegenerative diseases and post stroke depression

Methylene Blue
Stimulates glucose metabolism and increases NAD+ produced by mitochondria, antioxidant MAO-I activity to improve depression, improves NT activity in the brain for arousal, attention, memory, motivation

Improves cognitive function, neuroprotective benefits, Improving long and short term memory, manages anxiety, depression, improves creative thinking, and improves focus/learning

Increases energy, strength, wound healing, lean body mass, CV and immune function, bone density, and collagen density

Enhances the body’s natural healing process and speed the rate of recovery from injury

To improve muscle, ligament, and tendon function, improve lean muscle mass, energy, increase nerve regeneration, reduce body fat

Pentosan Polysulfate
Improves blood flow to subchondral bone stimulates cartilage matrix synthesis, prevents enzymes from breaking down cartilage, helps with bladder discomfort d/t IC

Increases energy, strength, wound healing, lean body, appetite suppression, decreased cholesterol/triglycerides

Anti-inflammatory, works against autoimmune diagnosis, supports gut health, joint health, and improves insulin sensitivity

Improves skin elasticity, firmness, improves hyperpigmentation, improves wound healing, improves hair growth, reduces inflammation, bone repair, anti-metastatic properties

Inflammatory disorders: celiac improves tight junctions in the intestinal barrier and zonulin antagonist to reduce permeability
Hormonal and Aesthetics

Zinc Thymulin
Improves hair growth, treats androgenic alopecia, improves endogenous hair pigmentation, helps with growth in men and women

Increased libido, energy, helps with ED, and improves skin pigmentation for tanning

For testicular hypofunction to improve T levels and for amenorrhea to stimulate a regular cycle
Weightloss and Glucose Regulation

GLP-1 and GIP combo used for significant weight loss and sugar regulation

Reduction in body fat, improved glucose control

GLP-1 used for significant weight loss and sugar regulation

5-Amino 1AQ
Reduce body fat, improve diet-induced obesity, promote fat lipolysis and reduces fat storage